I am David Barnicle and I am from Liverpool.
I am passionate about making people feel something by listening to music.
My natural impulse is to want to pass on the things I get enthused about.
It follows then that having felt the emotional impact of music since as far back as I can remember I simply want to make that happen in other people.
A life lived having not felt these things I feel would be a life wasted.
There have been various phases in and out of the Liverpool music scene since the age of 15. It started with stoned jams and performances amongst friends in bedrooms in the 90’s. This progressed slightly to acoustic gigs in ‘The Hub’ on Berry Street, then onto Preston University where brief spells in bands called ‘Ogmios’ and ‘The Jimmy Reed Quagmire Band’ happened. Eventually this blossomed into local cult band ‘The Way’, whose career was again short-lived but was the zenith of all the music playing up until that point. There is still a mural in The Zanzibar with 'The Way' on it, along with other bands from round the time of The Bandwagon days.
Then came fatherhood. Everything else then came second. My life is pure and simply about being in my best possible condition; materially, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually so that my son gets the best of what I’ve got to offer. He is 12 now. Those last 12 years has seen other phases in music, lots of it solitary but with a few other bands along the way most notably ‘Juvinilia’ and ‘The Glass Beads’ to whom I lent my bass playing and lead guitar services.
Since 2007 I have been going at this on my own; acoustic gigs in bars and festivals and for the last three years running an open mic night in my place of work The Brink. Excellent grounds for learning my trade as singer songwriter but not ideal for me. I have always wanted to make something bigger happen, a band of my own basically. I am never totally satisfied playing acoustic gigs as my songs are always planned with an atmospheric, intense emotional backdrop so that people can truly be lifted in my own way.
2007 until now can be characterized by lots of creativity but lots of heavy frustration. Brick walls everywhere as well as my own cursed need for things to be ‘a certain way’ has led to countless near deaths of music altogether for me. One failed band (with no live shows) after another is demoralizing. Trying becomes forcing. Writing, recording, mixing, producing records on my own, with a few skills in each area but not enough of any one thing for me to get what I'm after. Many hours spent with many other musicians have resulted in far too little produce.
Now, it’s me and The Mystery Force. Something is now going to happen. The first project is underway. There will be more.
One of my teenage heores Jim Morrison, at the time of The Doors just about to break big around the world, said something along the lines of ‘I feel like a bow and arrow that has been pulled back for 22 years , and now its about to be let go.’ Same for me but the number is 34. Some heavy inner work has allowed me to realise what needs to be done and how to focus my energies which until now have been prone to leaking into far too many things at once. And now I can see the journey behind me. All that has led me here. And I’m ready to go.
The music is informed at all times by the things I feel the most strongly about. For writing purposes I ask myself that question over and over, and at all stages of my musical life – ‘what am I feeling, and about what?’
Other than playing football - a genuinely magical experience which is not to be scoffed at - making music is the only thing that appeases that involuntary thinking mind that I like most others am tremendously attached to, and at the mercy of. Music is the antidote to the pitfalls of the virtual, thinking mind.
The Mystery Force and my trust in it is removing barriers and creating magic. The magic is undeniably happening. Some of the amazing people and things I have stumbled across since starting this project is just too good to be true. The future now only needs to be dreamt about. Don't grasp. Move towards.